Commissioned by Ozma
Category: large breasts
[Takasugi Kou] Ingi no Hate 02 – complete
[Takasugi Kou] Ingi no Hate 02 ch.04-06
[Arai Kei] the praying mantis’ nest
[Takatsu] My Pharaoh! (COMIC Megastore Alpha 2014-10)
Based Takatsu spreading the gospel of MEATY, BROWN SUBMISSIVE GIRLS
Commissioned by Dynellen
[Gonzaburo-] Taimanin Yukikaze – Taimanin’s fall into the lewd hell ch. 4
[Takasugi Kou] Ingi no Hate 02 ch.01-03
[Maimu-Maimu] DeliMama ~Midara na Ore no Kaa-san~ Ch. 1-3
[Zensoku Rider (Tenzen Miyabi)] Dungeon ni Juukan o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka (Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka) [Digital]
[Gonzaburo-] Taimanin Yukikaze – Taimanin’s fall into the lewd hell ch. 1-3
Brought to you by Shin.
I’ll be on a short hiatus for a week. Am leaving for Japan to play in MTG Grand Prix Kobe happening this weekend. I’ll be back on next Thursday (26 Nov 2015). Commissions and email replies will be put on hold while I’m gone.